Make-up Bag Monday 2.0. . .

Make-up Bag 2.0

It’s been a while since we’ve heard from Make-up Bag Monday. I’ve missed looking inside the make-up bags of you ladies, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t still been filling my cabinet and bags with lots of beauty goodies! I’ve recently discovered a few new finds (loving this new facial treatment), rediscovered an old staple (going blonde requires lighter brows), and gotten reacquainted with an old favorite(Ebay has become my new go to for deep discounts on beauty products, like this line)!

T.L.C. by Drunken Elephant-Love this!

Along with testing out new product lines, I recently discovered Glossier(thanks, Instagram) and am dying to try out a few of their products! Thanks to a few ‘Gramers’, I’ve already filled my cart with this, this, and this(definitely starting with the brow filler in blonde.  Stay tuned)!  Have you tried them? Do share!

photo credit: glossier

And of course, my quest for the perfect lipstick shade is always ongoing. Recently, I have been on the hunt for the perfect shade of hot pink or deep magenta!! I’ve tested out a few, well maybe more than a few and my favorites by far are “Flat-out Fabulous(MAC), Dorian and Dovima (Chantecaille), and a new discovery- Viper(Colour Pop-and it’s only $6 bucks!). And a recent ladies night out, introduced me to Corps d’ Elite (African-American beauty line) and a popping pink liquid lipstick in Samba! All of these pinks are mattes and perfect for Spring and Summer (and worked well for Winter too). All are perfect for day to night! I rock them to work and happy hour, just the same! Love a fab lip, don’t you?!

Pink lip in Viper by Colour Pop

Bright Skin. Bright Lips. 

Me and my bag are ready for Spring! 

chat ya’ later!

Ladybird T. 


This entry was posted by ladybird toni.

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