Are you ready for some Football?

Football and fashion week. From facebook to instagram all the way to my own doggone house. That is all I’ve heard for the past week.  The fashion world taking over New York and the return of the football season taking over my living room on Sundays, Mondays and some Thursdays! Pray for me, please.

Since my Ladybirds have got you guys covered on all things fall fashion, I decided to embrace the other headline of the moment and help you come up with the perfect foods to go with all those football games for the next siiix.teeeen.weeeeks!

You can’t really act like you’re watching watch football without some good ole’ snack food. With cooler weather on the horizon too, there are bound to be some chilis and stews to stick to your bones before you doze off on the game pass out from a food coma. Until then, let’s start with some random bites.

Chicken wings are a given, right? When I was listening to NPR the other day, Sunny Anderson was on and she was talking about her peanut butter and jelly wings. Sound weird? Yes. Sound interesting? Yes. Am I sold? Not quite. But a Sunday afternoon football game seems like a good time to test them out.

photo credit: npr

photo credit: npr

Apparently, I’m not the only one with football foods on the brain. Jessica from How Sweet It Is recently compiled a list of her favorite snacks for the season.  She’s got some great stuff over there but I loved her salads in an effort to incorporate some healthy items.

blt chopped salad

chopped chicken taco salad w/ cheese quesadilla strips

Here are some of my other picks for this season

ricotta and sage fried meatballs

queso fundido

bacon deviled eggs

pizza monkey bread

broccoli rabe and provolone grinders

southwest skillet ragu


And don’t forget, we still have these recipes to try from our Superbowl party prep

So tell me, are you ready for some football? More importantly, what will you be eating?


Chat ya’ later
Ladybird D

This entry was posted by ladybird dyan.

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