Summer Goodness…

how sweet it is

how sweet it is

Fourth of July kicks off the Summer, staring BBQ and fireworks! Next to Christmas, I think it’s one of my favorite holidays. Summer eating is the best! Alfresco dining with light salads and a glass of rosé. Wow, it can’t get any better than that.  I almost licked the screen when I saw this “not your average” potato salad on how sweet it is.  It’s bright, colorful, and it seems like every bite would be amazing. I cannot wait to try this over the weekend for a little 4th of July meal at home.  Simple and quick, add Smitten Kitchen’s oven-ribs, grilled corn, and you’re set.

smitten kitchen

smitten kitchen

What are you cooking for the holiday?

Enjoy the weekend! 


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Ladybird JPA
This entry was posted by ladybird j.p.archie.

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